Thursday, May 24, 2012

Just Why Trail Running?

Welcome to the very first post to this blog.  We hope this will be a fun way to capture some of those deep thoughts as we are crashing up and down trails each day.  We invite everyone to contribute.  See the side bar note on how to get a blog entry added.

One thing I’ve thought a lot about lately: Why do I subject myself to trail running?  Why do I like it?
It especially comes up when I’m hitting a giant hill.  Not because I am regretting having to blast up it, but rather because I’m kind of excited in a perverse kind of way.  If I was on a paved road I would not be happy at all with having to push up a serious incline.  However, in the dirt it’s a treat.
What makes it that much more interesting is that a road’s hill can’t be too steep - maybe a 6-7% incline.  However, twenty-five percent are pretty typical trail inclines around the areas I often find myself.  I can climb 1000’ easily on a hill.  When I get to the top, I am a mess of dirt, sweat, spit, tree twigs, etc.

For me, the appeal is the satisfaction of conquering obstacles greater than I could ever imagine doing.  I can run the same trail thirty times having that same satisfaction.

Interestingly, while on the road, I am always obsessed with my splits.  What am I running that mile in?  Did I beat my last time?  Please don’t stop to say hello to me, I’ve got to get my third mile split down!
On the trail, I can take it faster or slower, take breaks, talk with other runners, and not feel the pressure of time.  I’m enjoying deep satisfaction without being a slave to the clock - that’s why I Trail Run.
How about you?  Comment below.

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